Current Issue

Vol. 34 No. 2 (2024): African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science
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African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science (AJLAIS) will transition to an Open Access model starting 1 January 2025, making all articles freely available to readers without any charges.  

Volumes 1 through 34 will also become Open Access on this date. Until then, these articles can be accessed via AJOL.

Submissions are being accepted for Vol. 35 No. 1 (2025), please register and submit.

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Archlib and Information Services Ltd,
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Peer Review

The Journal follows a double-blind review approach to ensure only high quality manuscripts are published. The peer-review process will affect research articles and general contributions. Book reviews are not subjected to peer-review. Once manuscripts are submitted through the online system (online journal system), the Editor-in-Chief, in consultation with the Editorial Team, assesses them to determine their appropriateness and/or relevance for the Journal and its readers. The manuscripts that are found to be appropriate and/or relevant are allocated and submitted to at least two peer reviewers. Peer-reviewers are keenly drawn from both national and international research communities, spanning a variety of sub-fields that constitute the broad field of LIS and related fields. Manuscripts can be accepted for publication (with minor corrections); accepted for publication (with the recommendation for major revisions); rejected (with the possibility of resubmission for review upon addressing the recommended revisions); or rejected outright. The review process takes a maximum of four weeks upon the submission of the manuscript to reviewers.

Publication Scheduling

The Journal items will be published collectively, as part of an issue with its own Table of Contents. The Journal publishes two issues per year in April and October


The Journal is covered/indexed in highly rated indexing services/databases such as Web of Science, Scopus, Library Literature and Information Science (USA), Social Sciences Citation Index (USA), Social Research (USA), Journal Citation Reports, and Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA), among others.